воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.

English weather (don't forget your umbrella!)

English weather is talked about, by the English, a lot. Talking about the weather accounts for more casual conversations than any other topic, and there is no better way to 'break the ice' than mentioning something about the forecast! It can change at any moment. The English have to put up with a pretty heavy amount of rain and bizarre changes of weather within the space of a few minutes. In England, you just never know from one hour to the next what the weather will do. The golden rule is to expect rain, sun, heat and cold all in one day and dress accordingly!

Freak hailstorms in the summer and scorching winter days aside, there are four seasons in Britain, in the order of an academic year, these are autumn, winter, spring and summer. Each season has its own beauty and watching the seasons change has for centuries inspired Britain's writer's, artist's and composer's. Confusingly none of these seasons can be described as the 'rainy season' since it rains all year round. So whatever else you do, you will need to acquire an umbrella and a plastic waterproof coat with a hood.

One of the main aspects of the British climate is its changeable nature. This is probably more apparent in spring than in any other season. You could be enjoying an idyllic picnic one minute and rushing for cover the next! On the whole though, spring is one of the nicest times. The flowers are starting to bloom, the trees beginning to bud. Heavy rains and hail can occur rather often. The trees, confused by the sunshine, have blossomed, but then, shaken to its roots by the mad May breezes, they had shed its plumage and been given a good February-style soaking. 

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