суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

...Love and Pigeons...

A trip to Krakow for some days can become a perfect gift on St. Valentine's Day, because in this city everything is covered by romantic haze and many enamored pigeons, cooing tirelessly...even in winter...

Valentine’s Day wasn’t always acknowledged in Poland, but this international holiday is readily recognized in Krakow, which needs no excuse to host events and performances. Look for special Valentine’s Day concerts in the center, including operatic performances and symphony music.

It is no scecret that Krakow is a romantic gothic city. It is a city that dates back actually about 50,000 years if you include pre-Slavic history. However, the golden age was in the Middle Ages. The time of castles and knights and damsels. Therefore, if you have any romantic notions or ideals, it is an excellent place for a date.

Here are some romantic ideas to explore in magical Krakow. 

Take a date in to a real castle. In Krakow on Wawel hill is an ancient castle. You could spend the whole day there seeing the Royal apartments and the cathedral. Stand on the top and you will see most of the valley.
You can explore the dragon’s cave or sit in outdoor cafe’s. There is even an ancient energy plexus, that is connected to the second Chakra.
The Castle was the center of power for hundreds of years in Europe and the Polish sphere of influence extended from Russia to Western Europe. It was where the Polish kings were crowned and married. Today on any Saturday you will see beautiful Polish brides taking pictures there.

Walk with your girlfriend along Planty – the park around the old town is another romantic walk. Remember Krakow was a walled medieval city and in the walls and underground caverns and tunnels are more magic than any Harry Potter book. Although most of the city walls were taken down over the centuries there are still traces left. The walk around the city is actually a beautiful circular park, these walls and countless historic sites are park of the walk called the “royal way”.

Enchant a girl long the river. Another activity is strolling along the river Wisla. This is a walk for all four seasons. Along the walkway are numerous views floating coffee shops and even a beach as well as flowers, trees and benches, and magnificent bridges the newest being only for walking.

Nature is always romantic as it is instinct. Las Wolski is the large green area in Krakow. In this forest you can find wild animals and even boars as well as a Zoo and historical monuments. There are endless paths to saunter along.
Deep in the forest the Kamedulków monetary are some holy shines and peaceful chapels. However, girls can visit only a few days a year.
In a room if you whisper something on the other side of the room someone will hear you because of the dynamics of the way it was built. It has whispering walls which will take the expecting by surprise.

Real love comes from God and spirit. A place to go on Sunday for Church for acceptance and unconditional love is the Dominican church-Although not romantic in the Cosmo or sex in the city meaning of romantic, it is in the Medieval sense. It is a church that dates back to the 12th century.
It is an example of gothic architecture which is maintained and shines. It is a monastery from another time and place. The church has magnificent architecture and gothic spirals. If you want a look around be aware that during mass times it is standing room only and out the door on a Sunda , go during an off hour.
The Monks and priests in this community are legendary in Cracow for their wisdom and kindness as well as making you laugh.

 I hope your trip will be wonderful...!!!=))))

Melodies of February...

It is getting colder in real earnest… A long winter does not want to come to the end… Some invisible hands begin to stroke you, leaving behind their touch goosebumps. You feel them all over your body, and here they have already penetrated deep into the mind, causing you to shiver from the inner cold and the anguish. Hardly anything can make you glad, from all the thinking and reasoning blows by pessimism, and from this you become so lonely that you want to scream. It seems no one understands you, or does not want to understand. But when someone, very close to you, is breaking through the veil of sadness and cold, and says that just loves you that around you there are so many people who need you, who love you – you want just to smile and enjoy your life. As in actual fact, you love snow, which falls softly and gently on the ground, as the notes fall on the strings ... And even long winter evenings seem to be nice and kind when you spend them, wrapping in a blanket with your beloved, feeling his warmth next to you...

And what about winter holidays? Just at the thought of them, it becomes cheerfully and happily at heart! And the hope of that with the advent of the New Year, a new life will begin! And it really had already begun! Did you feel it, right? Here you are already smiling=)) It means you understand all this. So, does not winter deserve to be loved? At least for such short moments. Admit it, you still love winter, and even this chilly February. Cold hands subside inside you… That’s it and they will disappear completely, and after them, your grief will go away too… After all, spring will come soon… and my birthday…  

♥♥♥ Saint Valentine's Day ♥♥♥

                 I remember the last year... my friends and I discussed the impending Saint Valentine's Day...

One of them reluctantly informed that she had stopped loving this holiday after that time when her lovely boyfriend had not congratulated her. « Even did not begin to remind him about it », - she has told gloomy. « And you should do! - We have answered. - He could forget about the holiday not because of the bitchery! » On February, 14th she has received from her boyfriend amazing roses and a suspension Platen bracket... My other friend has grieved: « And I shall be alone. My boyfriend has been sent in a business trip... To Paris ». - « And what does prevent you to go with him? You have enough time to issue the visa and to book a ticket! » - We have shouted. Lena has looked at us, as on madwomen. And then she has departed to Paris. In few days she has returned happy and inspired...  The third girl was sitting gloomier the others - she really had no one to celebrate the holiday with. But February, the 14th, she met a guy. And they have been together for a year…

Everything I have said, is - true. Why am I telling this? To that, firstly, to dream is not harmful. Secondly, do not afraid to sound your desires. Do you remember, Assol had been waiting for many years, when her Prince moored to the shore on the ship with crimson sails? So, I’ll tell you a secret: She would not meet her Gray, if she did not tell the whole city beforehand, what and with what sails she waited for.  Because for being a fairy-tale flowered, it must be watered as a delicate flower.  And only then, it would strike root in your life with a big pleasure!

Believe in your tale!!!!!  Wonders happen to those who believe!!!    Happy Valentine's Day!!!)) 

понедельник, 13 февраля 2012 г.

Words of positive emotions

Hello, my dear readers!!! Today I want to tell you about words of positive emotions... =)) To be a positive person , you should: 

Try not to sleep for the whole night or go to bed being hungry during one or two weeks and you'll begin to see light easy dreams and every morning you'll wake up in a good mood with inspiration...every morning you'll wake up with renewed vigor without faded wish to lying in bed till twelve o'clock...

Try not to add two relishes to your dish: salt and pepper mill, and you'll see that you can be sated by lesser number of food... and during 1-2 weeks your body will stop being swollen and in one a month you'll lose your flesh visibly (it applies to those who has overweight ).

Try not to drink lemonade and any carbonated beverage, bought in a shop or a supermarket...and you'll see a real taste of the ordinary water and you'll understand that for the slaking your thirst you need much less...

Try not to drink coffee or tee during two weeks, and you'll understand that everything makes you happier...that you go to bed  calmly and your sleep is deep...that your strained and gloomy crease are smoothed and all your easy (or heavy) nervousness has disappeared (or decreased to a minimum in two or three times)...

Try, saying “good-bye” to a man, stop saying “давай, ну...давай  and you'll see how it is easy and pleasantly to take one's leave...

Just try to go or to sit with a straight back for a week, and you'll see your memory's taking turn for the better, and how quicker you'll begin to ponder...

Try at every remembrance of the man whom you do not like, present him an imaginary luxurious  gift (or a very good bounty)...imagine how he rejoices, and you'll see his better treatment  to you as you treats to him better...

Try to turn off your TV-set or a computer in 1-2 hours earlier before your sleep, and you'll begin to see your wishes and creative impulses...

Try to talk on the telephone just on business, and you'll see that  there are 36 hours round the clock...

Try every time when you want to smoke, to take an apple, an orange, a banana, a mandarin or just drink a glass of water and in two weeks you'll feel twice stronger, faster, more enduring yourself...

Try every time when you want to do something that interests you ( let it is at first time,  it does not characterize you, but you like it ) just to do it at once and count the time of the hesitation and marks...and you'll see that you can do much more...

Try to smile every time when you want it, smile a passer-by, and let it continues for few seconds (forgotten “what he can think of you” ) and during a month you'll begin to feel each man being known and safety...

Try to lie in grass, among trees, far from cars, not feeling embarrassed or self-conscious...and you'll hear long-awaited silence in yourself...!!!!

I hope my recommends will help you!=))))))))

пятница, 3 февраля 2012 г.

Get the feel of being happy...!

"A person is born to be happy as a bird - for the flight." Is a feeling of happiness given to us "by the  definition"? Or you can learn how to be happy?
We constantly put off our meeting with happiness and lay down conditions such as "when I give birth to my baby ..." "... as I graduate from the university," "here the summer comes...", "as soon as I buy an apartment (a car, new furniture ...)." Although, just remember that in our childhood we were happy without cause.

Psychologists assert: the feeling of happiness - is internal state of human soul which can be fed by a variety of experiences, and even at first glance quite small, insignificant events. If you ask any of us:"Are you happy that there is the air you breathe with?" Immediately there will be a serious answer: "Why should I think about that If there are not shortages? There are much more important problems today, and they should be payed attention." Like this "unhappy" people are formed , not those who really do not have a reason to rejoice, but those who just " do not notice" their delight..

There are situations - wars, natural disasters - when people lose family, shelter, when his family and he are on the verge of survival. This situation seems to be incompatible with happiness. But such a difficult and critical situation usually allows a person suddenly to realize the price of happiness, which he had in civilian life, to understand the depth of love to his family and friends, his home and city. The trouble, separation, testing becomes a litmus test, a special chemical "developer", by which any of us begins to understand what is to be happy.

But now, thank God, there is no war. So, will not most of us be able to enjoy their life truly? Nothing like this, everybody can learn to be happy. For this you should:
1. Praise yourself!
2. Rejoice in little.
3. Unlock talents.
4. Live in the present.
5. Refuse from the stereotypes. Now, many moms and housewives are considered to be losers. Stereotypes, which are accepted in society - are as a mower that mows all the grass like "one size fits all." But everyone is a unique personality, and everyone lives only for his extraordinary life. This advice does not mean you have to deliberately go "against the tide." Listen to yourself and look for your harmony. From a harmony to happiness - is just one step.

To all the people I love:
My family, my friends .. please just be happy.
Because your happiness is my happiness too...!!!

Be happy! It's one way of being wise!!!=))

Broke his promise...

I am so tired of promises and dreams... Everybody can tell the stories, tales, and nobody wants to keep his promisses... But I want them to be true... I just want it... I want  so little...I just want to be happy...Is that so much? I have always thought, If man wants something, there is not anything impossible for making his wishes come true... But now, time is up and nothing changed... I still hope and do not see any changes... Maybe, I am too weak girl and my dreams will always stay only dreams??? I do not want it to be this way... Few years ago, I lost my best friend...and then I promissed that I would get everything I want and she would see her mistake... And now it seems to me, she'll never see that... or maybe it's just the changes of my mood...my bad mood....