пятница, 3 февраля 2012 г.

Get the feel of being happy...!

"A person is born to be happy as a bird - for the flight." Is a feeling of happiness given to us "by the  definition"? Or you can learn how to be happy?
We constantly put off our meeting with happiness and lay down conditions such as "when I give birth to my baby ..." "... as I graduate from the university," "here the summer comes...", "as soon as I buy an apartment (a car, new furniture ...)." Although, just remember that in our childhood we were happy without cause.

Psychologists assert: the feeling of happiness - is internal state of human soul which can be fed by a variety of experiences, and even at first glance quite small, insignificant events. If you ask any of us:"Are you happy that there is the air you breathe with?" Immediately there will be a serious answer: "Why should I think about that If there are not shortages? There are much more important problems today, and they should be payed attention." Like this "unhappy" people are formed , not those who really do not have a reason to rejoice, but those who just " do not notice" their delight..

There are situations - wars, natural disasters - when people lose family, shelter, when his family and he are on the verge of survival. This situation seems to be incompatible with happiness. But such a difficult and critical situation usually allows a person suddenly to realize the price of happiness, which he had in civilian life, to understand the depth of love to his family and friends, his home and city. The trouble, separation, testing becomes a litmus test, a special chemical "developer", by which any of us begins to understand what is to be happy.

But now, thank God, there is no war. So, will not most of us be able to enjoy their life truly? Nothing like this, everybody can learn to be happy. For this you should:
1. Praise yourself!
2. Rejoice in little.
3. Unlock talents.
4. Live in the present.
5. Refuse from the stereotypes. Now, many moms and housewives are considered to be losers. Stereotypes, which are accepted in society - are as a mower that mows all the grass like "one size fits all." But everyone is a unique personality, and everyone lives only for his extraordinary life. This advice does not mean you have to deliberately go "against the tide." Listen to yourself and look for your harmony. From a harmony to happiness - is just one step.

To all the people I love:
My family, my friends .. please just be happy.
Because your happiness is my happiness too...!!!

Be happy! It's one way of being wise!!!=))

2 комментария:

  1. the last is the coolest!! truthful!!)))

  2. Wonderful recommendations! You`re like a psychologist. Are you fond of Sunrise Avenue? It is one of my favourite bands.
