суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

Melodies of February...

It is getting colder in real earnest… A long winter does not want to come to the end… Some invisible hands begin to stroke you, leaving behind their touch goosebumps. You feel them all over your body, and here they have already penetrated deep into the mind, causing you to shiver from the inner cold and the anguish. Hardly anything can make you glad, from all the thinking and reasoning blows by pessimism, and from this you become so lonely that you want to scream. It seems no one understands you, or does not want to understand. But when someone, very close to you, is breaking through the veil of sadness and cold, and says that just loves you that around you there are so many people who need you, who love you – you want just to smile and enjoy your life. As in actual fact, you love snow, which falls softly and gently on the ground, as the notes fall on the strings ... And even long winter evenings seem to be nice and kind when you spend them, wrapping in a blanket with your beloved, feeling his warmth next to you...

And what about winter holidays? Just at the thought of them, it becomes cheerfully and happily at heart! And the hope of that with the advent of the New Year, a new life will begin! And it really had already begun! Did you feel it, right? Here you are already smiling=)) It means you understand all this. So, does not winter deserve to be loved? At least for such short moments. Admit it, you still love winter, and even this chilly February. Cold hands subside inside you… That’s it and they will disappear completely, and after them, your grief will go away too… After all, spring will come soon… and my birthday…  

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